Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 10/14/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles


Case Report

Editöre mektup

The aim of the Hitit Medical Journal is to contribute to science by publishing high-quality publications of scientific importance. To achieve this aim, original research articles, reviews, case reports, and editorials related to basic or extended clinical experience in all fields of health sciences are published. Hitit Medical Journal is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access, and online journal that aims to publish articles in all related fields. Articles should describe original data that has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication. Manuscripts deemed appropriate for Hitit Medical Journal's submission guidelines and journal scope are sent to at least two scientific referees who are experts in their field for scientific evaluation. Hitit Medical Journal Editorial Board members, who discuss their suitability, then consider the comments of each referee for each submission. The final decision for all submissions rests with the Editor-in-Chief. The Publication Board of Hitit Medical Journal is committed to complying with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Subject Category: Life Sciences & Biomedicine
Subject Area: Allergy, Anatomy & Morphology, Anesthesiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Cardiovascular System & Cardiology, Cell Biology, Critical Care Medicine, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, General & Internal Medicine, Genetics & Heredity, Geriatrics & Gerontology, Hematology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Integrative & Complementary Medicine, Legal Medicine, Life Sciences Biomedicine, Medical Ethics, Microbiology, Mycology, Neurosciences & Neurology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Parasitology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Physiology, Psychiatry, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, Rehabilitation, Reproductive Biology, Research & Experimental Medicine, Respiratory System, Rheumatology, Sport Sciences, Substance Abuse, Surgery, Toxicology, Transplantation, Urology & Nephrology, Virology
Keywords: Health Science, Medicine, Surgery

Publication Language
Full Text Language:
• First Language: Turkish
• Second Language: English
Text written in English and Latin alphabet:
• Title: Turkish & English
• Author Name: Turkish & English
• Author Adress: Turkish & English
• Key words: Turkish & English
• References: Turkish or English
Full Text: Turkish or English

Article Submission
Submitted articles should be relevant to the aim and scope of the journal. Only original, unpublished, and not being evaluated elsewhere manuscripts that have been approved for submission by each author and have not been submitted to any other journal for evaluation are accepted for review.

Reader Scope
The target audience of the journal includes healthcare professionals, specialists, researchers, specialization and PhD students, as well as students interested in this field. The aim is to contribute to the widespread of continuous professional development and research culture.

Price Policy
The publication of articles in the journal and the processes related to article submission are not subject to any fees. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to or accepted for publication in the journal. Hitit Medical Journal does not accept sponsorship or advertising as part of its publication policies. All expenses of the Hitit Medical Journal are covered by Faculty of Medicine at Hitit University.

The copyright of the studies published in Hitit Medical Journal belongs to their respective authors. Authors allow Hitit Medical Journal to publish their intellectual works under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Originality of Articles
Hitit Medical Journal does not accept previously published works in any other publication.

Manuscript Preparation

Language: Turkish, English
Manuscript Types: Research article (original article), review, case report, letter to the editor, surgical technique and original images
Text Format: The article should be in "Times New Roman" text format with Microsoft Word Program.
Image Format: It should be sent in high quality as jpeg, jpg or png.
Citation Style: Articles should be prepared according to the Index Medicus ( Citation System. In the field of science, the APA 6 footnote or in-text system, whichever is widely used, can be preferred.
Change of Author: Only processed before the article is accepted. Authors are required to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript, and to provide the definitive list of authors at the time of original submission.

General Principles
In original scientific studies, authors must state that they have done the study in accordance with ethical principles in the material and methods section of the article, that they have received an 'The Study is Ethically Appropriate' certificate from the ethics committee of their institution and an "informed consent" from the people who participated in the study. It should be clearly presented on the date and with which decision or issue number it was taken. In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed in the article. If the item "Animal" is used in the study, the authors must state that they protect animal rights in their work in line with their principles in the materials and methods section of the article and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions. If there is a commercial link in the article or an institution that provides financial support for the study, the authors; must notify the editor on the submission page that he has no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, device or company used and what kind of relationship he has, if any (consultant, other agreements). The compliance of the articles with the ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors. If the documents requested by the journal are not submitted in full, the article will be rejected without being evaluated.

The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Turkish articles should be based on the Turkish dictionary of the Turkish Language Association or English articles and English abstracts should be evaluated by a language expert before being submitted to the journal. The compliance of the articles with the spelling and grammar rules is the responsibility of the authors. Each article will be checked by the journal's 'Foreign Language Editor' and it will be requested that unsuitable articles be corrected.

All files sent to the journal are first pre-checked. Files that do not comply with the journal's writing rules are sent to the authors for correction together with the pre-check results before being included in the referee evaluation process. However, files that comply with the journal writing rules are sent to the referees for evaluation.

In articles, p values should be given clearly (such as p= 0.025; p= 0.524). Additional information can be obtained from for checking the biostatistical conformity of the articles.

Hitit Medical Journal publishes the following forms of work

1- Research article (Original article)
These are research articles that contribute to scientific knowledge and discuss the newly compiled data. Submitted articles should contain titles and structured abstracts in English and Turkish, not exceeding 250 words, and should not exceed 3500 words, excluding tables, pictures, figures and references.
It consists of the following sections:

• Abstract (Aim, Materials and methods, Results, Conclusion, Key words. Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods (Patient and Methods)
• Results
• Discussion
• Acknowledgement
• References

2- Review
These articles are generally articles that discuss important current information in various fields of medicine. Data from original studies are not intended to be published. Review and review articles should contain unstructured abstracts in English and Turkish, not exceeding 250 words, and should not exceed 5000 words, excluding tables, pictures, figures and references.
It consists of the following sections:
• Abstract (unstructured, Turkish and English)
• Subject titles
• References

3- Case Report
Manuscripts to be evaluated under this title should contain titles and abstracts in English and Turkish, not exceeding 150 words, and should not exceed 1500 words, excluding pictures, figures and references.
It consists of the following sections:
• Abstract (unstructured, Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Case Report
• Discussion
• References

4- Letter to the editor
Opinions, contributions, criticisms and experiences about another article published in the journal and uncontrolled observation studies can be sent to be evaluated in this section. Abstracts are not required for the articles to be evaluated under this title, they should not exceed 500 words. There are no title and abstract sections. The number of resources is limited to 5. It should be stated to which article (number, date) it is dedicated, and the name, institution and address of the author should be included at the end.

5- Surgical Technique
These are the articles that summarize the surgical techniques. Structure: - It consists of an abstract (100-150 words on average; no sections, in Turkish and English), surgical techniques and resources.

6- Original Images
They are annotated medical pictures and photographs that are rarely observed in the literature. They consist of a maximum of 300 words of text and original pictures. Sources should be cited at the bottom.

Text format
The article should be written with Microsoft Word Program in "Times New Roman" font, with 11 font size, justified and 1.5 line spacing. Abbreviations should be clearly stated in the first place, abbreviations should not be used in the titles and abstracts. Abbreviations can be defined within a frame in the section after the summary. The generic name of the drugs should be preferred over the market name. Disease names should be used in accordance with the titles of the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases. Unnecessary footnotes should be avoided.

The file headers to be uploaded to the system should consist of the following sections:
1-Title page
2-Article (Full text) file
3-Cover Letter
4-Copyright notice text

It contains the following information.
1- Type of submitted article: research article, review, case report, letter to the editor, surgical technique and original image
2- Title of the article: It should be short, comprehensive and understandable. The English title should be placed under the Turkish title. The title should be written in lower case, each word must begin with a capital letter. Example: Intraocular Pressure Changes in the Early Period Following Cataract Surgery
3- Previous presentation: If an oral or poster presentation has been made in a congress or scientific meeting before, it must be stated under the title.
4- Information about the authors: The institutions and cities where they work should be specified and the full contact address of the responsible author (correspondence address, telephone (work, GSM), fax, e-mail address) should be included.
5- ORCID information of the authors
6- Financial support: Any financial support used in the study should be specified.
7- Conflict of interest: Authors must declare a conflict or conflict of interest.

In the full text file, Turkish and English abstracts, keywords, article text, references, tables/figures/pictures should be in order.

1- Abstract:
Abstracts in Turkish and English should not be longer than 250 words in structured abstracts (research articles) and 150 words in unstructured abstracts (reviews, case reports). Structured summaries should consist of the following sections.
Purpose (Objective) The primary purpose of the article
Material and method Data sources, type of study, patients or study participants, interviews/assessments, and baseline measurements
Conclusion (Conclusion) Direct clinical applications, the conclusion to be drawn should be specified.
Abstracts in case reports and reviews do not need to be structured.
Key words. They should be separated by commas and in alphabetical order.
Key words selected from 3-6 Turkish Science Terms ( should be included in this section and this rule should be followed meticulously.
For English keywords, it should be given in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)" (

2- Article main text:
The texts of the original articles should be arranged as follows:
Introduction: In the introduction, the sources that make the study necessary and the purpose of the study are briefly written.
Materials and Methods: It includes the characteristics of the study group, the source of the material used and the detailed description of the sources on the application and reliability of the evaluation methods, the informed consent of the subjects, and the statement that 'ethics committee' approval was obtained if necessary. A statement about compliance with Research and Publication Ethics must be included in the articles. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed in the article.
The method requires explanation at a level where the studies can be replicated exactly. The statistical method used is specified in this section. Each statistical value in the text should include degrees of freedom and probability values. It should be arranged in such a way as to allow the reader to verify the reported results.
Results: This is the part where the findings obtained in the study are explained in detail. It should be avoided to repeat the findings both in the text and in the table.
Discussion: This is the section where the findings are discussed in the light of the current literature, by specifying the strengths and weaknesses of the study.
Conclusion: This is the part where the conclusions reached by the authors are explained at the end of the findings and discussion. This part can be specified in the text with a separate title, or it can be stated in the last paragraph without a title.
Acknowledgments: This is the part where the people who contributed to the study but not among the authors and the institutions and organizations that contributed to the study are explained and thanked. If financial support is provided from any person, institution or organization in the study, it should be stated in this section. Whether there is any conflict of interest in the study should also be disclosed in this section.
Authorship Contribution Statement: It is the explanation of the contribution of the researchers who are the authors of the study to the writing of the article.

3- References:
It should be written in the order they appear in the article and should be indicated in parentheses just before the punctuation marks at the end of the sentence in the text. If the number of authors in the article is 6 or less, all authors should be specified, if 7 or more, the first 3 names should be written and “ve ark.” in Turkish sources and “et al” in English articles should be added. The format used for reference writing should be as specified in Index Medicus ( Authors are responsible for the topicality and validity of the sources. Congress papers and theses can only be cited as sources if they are very necessary. Personal experiences and unpublished publications may only be used in the discussion section. It cannot be cited as a source. Internet addresses cannot be shown as a single source (such as Articles published in electronic environment can be cited by specifying the web address of the relevant article and the date of citation. The same rules apply for reference books in electronic media.
The bibliography should be in accordance with the international 'AMA' standards and should be arranged as follows;

Journal Articles: Pugazhennthi S, Khandelwai RL. Insulin-like effects of vanadate on hepatic glycogen metabolism in nondiabetic and straptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes 1990;39:821-827.

Books: Ravel R. Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Fourth Edition. Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers Inc, 1984; 265-281.

Compilation Books: Elevitch FR, Hicks GP, Microprocessors and computers in the clinical laboratory, In:Tietz NW, ed. Fundamental of clinical chemistry, third edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1987; 254-265.

If the author is an organisation: The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Medl Aust 1996; 164-228.

If no author is specified: Cancer in South Africa (editorial). S Afr Med 1994; 84-115.

Section from the book: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-478.

Journal article in electronic media: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5];1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL:

Book in Turkish: Yazıcı O. Bipolar mood disorders and other mood disorders. In Psychiatry Basic Book (ı), Ed: C Güleç, E Köroğlu, Physicians Publishing Union, Ankara 1997; 429-448.

ICD-10- Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders: Ed: O Öztürk, B Uluğ, Turkish Nervous and Mental Health Association Publication, 1993.

Internet access: (Accessed on 08.05.2023)

4- Tables and figures
All tables, figures (graphics and pictures should be named as 'figure') should be specified after the references in the order in which they appear in the text, each on a separate page. Each of the tables should be placed on separate pages at the end of the text and after the references. Each table should be titled (under the table) and these titles should be numbered with roman numerals as appropriate in the text. Tables should be arranged in such a way that they are self-explanatory. If data is taken from other sources, permission should be obtained and the source should be indicated as a footnote.

Figure titles should be numbered appropriately during the passage in the text and their headings should be below. Patient photos should be shared in a way that prevents the identification of the patient. It is preferred that digital photographs be taken with a digital camera.

Final Checklist
It is hoped that this list will be useful during the final check of the prepared article before it is uploaded to the journal system.

Make sure the following items are available:
1. Author information added.
• E-mail address
• Full mailing address
• Phone number
2. All necessary files are uploaded.
• Article text
• Copyright notice text
3. The article was checked for spelling and grammar errors.
4. All references in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa.

Article submission
The account of the corresponding author of the study should be used in the applications. All correspondence regarding the application is forwarded to the responsible author via e-mail sent through the journal system.
When uploading the article file, make sure that it does not contain any elements that would reveal the identity of the author due to the double-blind peer-review process.
Files You Need To Download Separately:
1) Title page
2) The full text of the article
3) Cover letter
4) Copyright notice text

Important Notice: In studies that require ethical committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, it is absolutely necessary to include in the article the information that the informed consent form was obtained from the patient.

During the submission, the following commitment is received from the author in electronic form:
1. I am authorized/authorized by co-authors to submit this work to your journal.
2. The article is original, has not been officially published in another peer-reviewed journal, has not been reviewed by any other journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or other third-party rights.
3. I/we agree that if the article is editorially accepted for publication, it will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
4. Copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s) or employer(s) of the author(s), if any, are reserved. The author(s) undertake(s) that the publisher is not responsible for any claims or lawsuits to be filed by third parties due to copyright infringement, and that all responsibility belongs to them.
5. The author(s) undertake(s) that there is no criminal or illegal statement in the article, and that no illegal materials and methods are used while conducting the research.

Author's Guideline

Authors' Duties and Responsibilities
Authorship and Contribution
Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the concept, design, execution or interpretation of the work. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. If there are minor contributors to the work, such as language editing, these should be noted in the acknowledgments section. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final manuscript and agree to submit it for publication. Authors are expected to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript, and to provide the definitive list of authors at the time of original submission. The editor will only consider adding, deleting or rearranging authors after the article is submitted in exceptional cases. All authors must agree to any such addition, deletion or rearrangement. Authors take joint responsibility for the work.

Author Change Requests
Adding, deleting or rearranging the names of the authors in the list of authors can only be done before the article is accepted and only if approved by the journal Editor.
If such a change is requested, the Editor requests from the responsible author (a) the reason for the change in the list of authors and (b) written confirmation (e-mail) from all authors that they agree to add it. The editor will only consider adding, deleting or rearranging authors after the article has been accepted, in exceptional circumstances.

Article Writing
Authors of original research papers should address the topic in an authentic way and with an objective discussion. The article should contain sufficient detail and references to allow others to repeat the work. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

The author must provide assurance that the article is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in another language.

Original reference Use and Citation
Authors should ensure that they are writing completely original works and that if they have used the work or words of others, it is appropriately cited. Privately obtained information, such as in conversations, correspondence or discussions with third parties, should not be used without the express and written permission of the source.

Data Access and protection
Authors may be asked to provide research data supporting their articles for editorial review and/or comply with the journal's open data requirements. Authors should be prepared, where possible, to provide public access to such data and to retain such data for a reasonable period of time after publication. Our journal recommends uploading research data to TUBITAK's Aperta Portal.

Multi and Simultaneous submission
An author should not publish an article containing the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time is unethical behavior. An author should not submit a previously published article for consideration in another journal, unless it has been published as an abstract.

Publication of Studies Based on Survey and Interview
For research that requires ethics committee permission and conducted in all disciplines (ethics committee approval should be obtained, this approval should be stated and documented in the article. For research that requires ethics committee approval, information about the permission (board name, date and number number) is also provided in the method section of the article. In one of the last pages, in case reports, information that the informed consent/consent form was signed should be included in the article.

Conflict of Interest
Any financial or other interest that may conflict with one's work, significantly impair objectivity, or provide an unfair advantage to any person or entity. All financial support resources and the role of sponsors in the study should be explained during the conduct of the research and the preparation of the article. If there is no source of funding, this should also be stated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that need to be disclosed include consultations, hiring, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage.

Erratum Reporting
When an author notices a material error or inaccuracy in his published work, he should notify the journal immediately. It is also the author's obligation to cooperate in retracting or correcting the article if deemed necessary by the editor. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains errors, it is the author's obligation to cooperate with the editor, including notifying the editor.

Image Integrity
It is not acceptable to enhance, darken, move, remove or add a particular feature to an image. Authors must abide by the policy for graphic images enforced by the journal.

Hitit Medical Journal seeks the highest ethical and scientific standards as well as the absence of commercial concerns in scientific articles submitted to the journal. Submitted articles must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication. If the article was previously published; quotations, tables, pictures, etc. If available, the article author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors and state this in the article. Studies previously presented at scientific meetings are accepted, provided that they are stated in the article. After the scientific article is processed, the names and order of the authors specified in the copyright notice text are taken as basis. After this stage, the name of the author cannot be added to the article at any stage, except for the authors who have signed the Copyright notice text, and the order of the authors cannot be changed.

The thoughts and suggestions in the article are entirely the responsibility of the authors. Article authors are not paid any fees for their articles. The authors fill in the "Copyright notice text" which can be accessed from the internet address and available at They should send it together with the article from the section on the "Submit Article" link.

All authors in the article must have direct academic and scientific contributions. Authors should accept the final version of the article. Compliance of the articles with scientific rules is the responsibility of the authors.

All required research articles should be biostatistically analyzed and evaluated by a biostatistician before submission to the journal. In articles, p values should be given clearly (such as p= 0.025; p= 0.524). Additional information can be obtained from for checking the biostatistical conformity of the articles. Compliance of the articles with biostatistical rules is the responsibility of the authors. Each article using statistics will be checked by the 'Statistics Editor' of the journal and inappropriate statistics will be requested to be changed accordingly.

The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Turkish articles should be based on the Turkish dictionary of the Turkish Language Association or English articles and English abstracts should be evaluated by a language expert before being submitted to the journal. The compliance of the articles with the spelling and grammar rules is the responsibility of the authors. Each article will be checked by the journal's 'Foreign Language Editor' and it will be requested that unsuitable articles be corrected.

All files sent to the journal are first pre-checked for clarity, grammar and compliance with spelling rules. Files that do not comply with the journal's writing rules are sent back to the authors for correction together with other pre-control results before being included in the referee evaluation process. However, the referee evaluation process is started for the files that comply with the journal writing rules.
Afterwards, the editors or field editors in the relevant branch review the article and send it to at least 2 referees working in separate institutions. If the article is not evaluated by the referee within a suitable time, another referee is appointed. If there is a difference of opinion about the article by these 2 referees or if the article is a comprehensive and more opinionated research, a third referee is appointed. If the article is accepted after the referee returns, it is checked again by the editor or the field editor, and if there are no missing articles, the article is accepted and this is reported to the author. The articles for which revision is requested are sent back to the author by the editor or the field editor together with the referee's criticisms. After the author completes the revision, the article is sent back to the referees who made the first evaluation. If there are only formal and minor changes in the first evaluation and these are corrected, the article can be accepted by the relevant editor or field editor without being sent to the referee for the second time.
Accepted articles are reviewed by 'end reader technical editors' and corrections are made. If significant deficiencies are detected, they are sent back to the author for correction and finally converted to pre-typesetting format. It is then sent to the string. The typesetting of the generally accepted articles is completed and the first issue is published. Depending on the density of articles coming to the journal and other technical reasons, this period may extend until the publication of the next issues.

A- Ethical rules for authors
The compliance of the articles with the ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors. If the required documents are not submitted in full, the article has the right to be rejected by the journal without being evaluated.
In the evaluation of the articles, the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the international standards of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for authors are taken into account.
During the evaluation process of new articles in which any of the editorial board members are the author, the relevant board member is removed from the board membership by the chief editor and reassigned to board membership only after the process is over. In this way, it is ensured that the relevant board member does not have any influence on the process.

Research Ethics and Legal/Special Permit Documents
The journal adopts and accepts the principles of the 'Helsinki Declaration Principles' ( index.html) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in all studies involving the "Human" element. it does. In all scientific research articles, the authors must state in the materials and methods section of the article that they have done the study in accordance with these principles, that they have received the 'Study is Ethically Appropriate' certificate from the ethics committee of their institution and "informed consent" from the people who participated in the study. It should be clearly presented on what date and with which decision or issue number it was taken. The compliance of the articles with the ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors. If the documents requested by the journal are not submitted in full, the article will be rejected without being evaluated.
In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed in the article.
If the item "Animal" is used in the study, the authors state that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the principles of "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" (www.nap. edu/catalog/5140.html) in the material and methods section of the article, and are approved by the ethics committees of their institutions. must indicate that they have been approved.

Conflict of interest
If there is a commercial link in the article or an institution that provides financial support for the study, the authors; must notify the editor on the submission page that he has no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, device or company used and what kind of relationship he has, if any (consultant, other agreements). Authors should clearly state whether there is a conflict of interest in their submitted articles.

Matters about plagiarism
All submitted articles are screened for plagiarism. In cases where plagiarism is detected, the editors reserve the right to reject the article and/or request corrections from the authors, depending on the similarity ratio.

B- Ethical rules for reviewers
Reviewers should be aware that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties. It should submit an objective, impartial, scientific, comprehensible and constructive evaluation report about the study within the specified time. Referee reports will also include an assessment of the scientific nature of the article (the topic it covers, the method used, or the appropriate use of the relevant literature). This evaluation must be made about the content, whether positive or negative. While making these evaluations, the 'Online referee evaluation form' must be used. When it is understood that the work is plagiarized or has been previously published elsewhere, the referees should notify the editor.

C- Ethical rules for field editors
Journal field editors send the article for evaluation to at least 2 referees who are impartial, independent, unbiased and working in different institutions. Authors may object to the referee's report within a reasonable framework and with convincing data. Objections are reviewed by the journal management and, if deemed appropriate, a different referee (or referees) can be consulted on the subject. Field editors meticulously follow the corrections given by the referees. Accordingly, the editors may decide to publish or not publish an article. Editors and assistant editors, articles that do not comply with the publication principles; has the authority to send it back to the author for correction, to edit the format of the article or to reject the article without sending it to the referees. Article format Articles submitted to Biomedical Journals must comply with the writing and editing rules of “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” ( The field editor should evaluate the following situations for each article.

Plagiarism: Republishing the content of another author's publication, in whole or in part, as one's own publication, without giving a reference.
Fabrication: Publish data and findings/results that are not available.
Duplication/Duplication: Duplicating data from any other publication, changing the publication language and publishing articles that are not cited.
Salamization/Deception: Creating multiple publications by dividing the results of an unnatural study.

Article submission and evaluation process is free of charge. HMJ does not charge any fees for publishing an article. All articles are open access free of charge.